We have had a whirl wind of activities in April, starting with goats being born, which meant we started milking goats again, and made some goat milk butter! We were able to harvest some honey, which gave me a new found appreciation of privet, a weed I hated until I tasted the honey that the bees made from their flowers. It tastes like the wonderful smell of the privet flowers! We sold out of honey before it was even harvested, but we hope to harvest some more in the next few weeks. 3 baby goats are staying with us, Mocha, Finn and Cinnamon Bun. All the other babies have found new homes. Our babies are adjusting to the new routine, which involves being separated from mom during the night so that we can milk the goats in the morning. At 8 weeks, Finn will get neutered so that we are not endangered of him mating with his sisters or mom! Next month, Cadbury and Caribou will be bred so that we can rotate our milking goats and never run out of milk. It was painful, to be without goat milk while Godiva and Klondike were pregnant. We hope to time it so that we have new goats in milk every 6 months. We are so blessed with our little farm, and so happy with where we are going with everything!
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![]() What an incredible couple of weeks! In the midst of the quarantine and the awful things going on right now, life goes on and babies continue to be born. Klondike had 4 babies on Thursday 4/2, and Godiva, who had to do one better than her sister, had 5 babies! Good things to remind us that all is not bad in this world right now. Baby goats bring a smile to our faces! Klondike's 4 babies - 3 boys and 1 girl. Meet Finn, Prismo, Gunther and Cinnamon Bun! Godiva's 5 babies - 3 boys and 2 girls. We are still working on those names. We like the names: Sanka, Frappicino, Macchiato, Mocha, Kenya, Columbia, Cappuccino, Espresso, Dunkin, Maxwell and Starbucks. Klondike seems have to settled in and is having no issues with keeping up with nursing her babies. Her appetite is huge, and she insists on leaving her stall to eat the wonderful clover in the goat paddock every day. Godiva is adjusting to feeding 5 babies, and we are keeping a close eye to make sure that they are all feeding, and that none are being kicked away. Godiva seems to guide them to nurse, licking them and nudging each to her teats. We also put each next to her and watch them nurse at least 3 times a day. We anticipate that we will have to bottle feed soon, since 5 babies is a lot for one little momma to feed. Life is good on the farm, and we love our goats! EAV Market - it was a cold day on Valentine's day! We had fun, visiting our old neighborhood.2/15/2020 The first event we attended to sell our goat milk soap. GERL is an organization we believe in and have supported for many years. Mr. Bean was a GERL adopted horse! Check out their website at https://gerlltd.org/ for other events they produce to help horses have good homes and better lives.
AuthorWe have a small family farm in Covington GA, where we have 3 horses, 3 dogs, a growing herd of goats, and many chickens, guineas and ducks. Archives
May 2020
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